_XXX:XXX; /* IE6支持 */ *XXX:XXX; /* IE6、IE7支持 */ *+XXX:XXX; /* IE7支持 */ XXX:XXX\9; /* IE6、IE7、IE8支持 */ XXX:XXX\0; /* IE8支持 */ 创建条件样式表,并在HTML中body里添加相应的class类名:
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var patterns = { text: /^['"]?(.+?)["']?$/, url: /^url\(["']?(.+?)['"]?\)$/};function clean(content) { if(content && content.length) { var text = content.match(patterns.text)[1], url = text.match(patterns.url); return url ? '': text; }}function inject(prop, elem, content) { if(prop != 'after') prop = 'before'; if(content = clean(elem.currentStyle[prop])) { $(elem)[prop == 'before' ? 'prepend' : 'append']( $(document.createElement('span')).addClass(prop).html(content) ); }}$.pseudo = function(elem) { inject('before', elem); inject('after', elem); elem.runtimeStyle.behavior = null;};if(document.createStyleSheet) { var o = document.createStyleSheet(null, 0); o.addRule('.dummy','display: static;'); o.cssText = 'html, head, head *, body, *.before, *.after, *.before *, *.after * { behavior: none; } * { behavior: expression($.pseudo(this)); }';}
@-moz-document url-prefix() { .css { color:lime; } }支持Firefox的还有几种写法:/* 支持所有firefox版本 */ #selector[id=selector] { color: white; } 或者: @-moz-document url-prefix() { .css { color: white; } } /* 支持所有Gecko内核的浏览器 (包括Firefox) */ *>.css { color: white; }
Webkit枘核(chrome and safari)
@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { .css { color: white; } }上面写法主要是针对Webkit内核的浏览器,如Google Chrome 和 Safari浏览器
html:first-child>body .css { color:white;} 或者: @media all and (min-width:0) { .css { color: white; } } 或者: @media all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:10000), not all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { head~body .css { color: white; } }
:root .css { color: white9;}IE9+都能够兼容
.css { color: white/;} 或者: @media ?screen{ .css { color: white; } }IE8+都能够兼容
*+html .css{ color:white;} 或 *:first-child+html .css { color:white;}只兼容IE7
.css { _property/**/:/**/white;} 或者: .css { _property: white;} 或者:*html .css { color: white;}只兼容IE6
Update increasingly front-end engineering, resulting in many engineers ignored IE, so many engineers believe IE browser kernel is a pit, and often very reluctant to go to IE's engineering, in particular the low version of IE compatibility, most of the new engineers will very exclusive IE kernel, while older engineers will find compatible IE is too much trouble.
In fact, I find it very troublesome, beginning with all
_XXX: XXX; / * IE6 support * /* XXX: XXX; / * IE6, IE7 support * /* + XXX: XXX; / * IE7 * Support /XXX: XXX \ 9; / * IE6, IE7, IE8 support * /XXX: XXX \ 0; / * IE8 support * /
Creating conditions stylesheet, and add the appropriate class name of the class in the HTML body inside:
<-! [If IE6] -><-! [If IE7] -><-! [If IE8] -><-! [If IE9] -><-! [! If IE] ->
Like in such a way to solve some engineering problems above, but still feel very tired, each piece must be equivalent to an independent write a CSS, the other part is also not compatible with CSS3, but now people in the face , focusing on the beauty, which makes the front end of the siege lion heads are very large, so I browse the site to see how they solve this problem.
Part is prohibited IE version lower display, pop up a pop-up layer, prompted to download other browsers, but also in part directly give some tips to get open ...... for us, God is the users use other browsers, so we IE can not be excluded in part of the brain residual powder.
So let's see how they solve these problems:
Tencent says:
<-! [If IE 8]> <-! [If lt IE 8]>
<-! [If lt IE 9]>
<-! [If lt IE 9]>
Know almost :
<-! [If lt IE 9]>